Group Retirement
Specializing in Retirement Plans for Employer Sponsored Programs such as:
- Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) with company matching
- Defined Contribution Registered Pension Plans (RPP) with company matching
- Deferred Profit Sharing Plans (DPSP)
- Tax Free Savings Plans (TFSA)
- Non-Registered Savings Plans
- Individual/Personal Pension Plans/Segregated Funds for Business Owners (I/PPP)
Your company will be provided a full analysis of any current program, or we can develop a customized plan design plan from scratch. We conduct
regular reviews of your plan, investment mix, and provide transparency on fees.
All employees and plan members can access individual investment advice and assistance with retirement and financial planning. We offer customized group in-house education sessions (including webinars) and recording of sessions for future viewing. All communications are provided in a method to best reach your plan members (ie. face-to-face, email, payroll stuffer, mail, recorded webinar, live webinar, phone)